Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sunday Seven

Trying out some memes for my blog.  Which basically means using someone else's ideas and filling up some space when I can't think of something intriguing and meaningful to say.


Seven books I want to read this year...


 I got through mid-August last year in trying to read through in a year.  This year, I'd like to finish what I started last year (hey, better late than never!) and keep going.  I'm not setting a goal as to how far to read, just to read at least 5 days a week.


I'm in the middle of this one right now.  Okay, stuck in the first 50 pages.  But yeah...once it gets going, I'll zip through it.


I've read some of his stuff and LOVE it all.  This series is definitely on my list this year!

And onto some more serious books...

We've been married 12 years and have 5 kids.  You'd think we'd have this all figured out.  But you know, life is always changing and marriage needs to be a priority since we have a lot of years of marriage left, God-willing.  So...we're gonna turn up the heat this year! :D


We've been doing family devotions here lately, but I spotted a few of this book on a friend's bookshelf and they graciously let us have one (thanks Justin and Sandy!).  So Brian and I are going to go through this one together!  I'm scared a little because I know it's going to stretch us.  And super excited to see what God will do!


Another extra from my friend Sandy!  Cuz she's awesome like that!  "Finding Intimacy with God in the Busyness of Life".  And my life is busy, so...yeah.  Looking forward to reading it.


Haven't read any of these yet, but a friend (Kristi!) has convinced me that I should read them and that maybe I will like them?  We'll see, but at least I'll be able to have an informed opinion on Harry Potter and whether I want my kids to read them or not at some point.  So read them, I shall!

This is all on top of my required reading for school, of course.  And any other reading I do with Noah and Hannah for their school (maybe that'll be another list for another day).  And any other reading I do to help me get inside Levi's brain.  In order to do all this reading, I'm going to have to stop twittering away time on the internet.  Not that the internet is bad, but a lot of time is wasted on nothingness.  Might as well be reading instead, right?  So here goes nothing...

What do you want to read this year?

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