Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Mental health and all that

Levi sees a mental health counselor through the county, and has been seeing her since September.  At first I was nervous about seeing a counselor for a 3 year old, but our much loved pediatrician recommended it for him based on the destructive behaviors we were (and are) seeing.  So I agreed to try it, thinking we might go for a month or two.

Well, I think his mental health appointments are more helpful for me than they are for Levi!  I can tell her when I'm about to tear my hair out because he pooped in his pants for the 6th time this week.  She asks about the whole family, and recognizes what an impact Brian's accident has had and continues to have on us all.  She encourages me in what we are doing well for Levi and gives me ideas of other things to try.  She congratulates me when I find a solution that works, like noise reducing headphones during worship at church!  She has never had a bad word to say about homeschooling, even my desire to homeschool Levi at some point.

Most importantly...she listens.  Sometimes you just need someone to really hear you.  Thanks, Malea!


  1. Admitting that your child needs help is one of the hardest things for a parent. I've been through it all with Ryan. Not only his medical issues, but his emotional and behavioral issues too. One day at a time :)
