Monday, January 10, 2011

Every girl is a princess

Every girl needs to know she is a princess.  Absolutely loved and irreplacable.

It starts with a tiny girl and her Daddy.  She is cherished and adored, protected at all costs.  She doesn't have to learn to trust her Daddy; it just comes naturally.  She knows if she jumps, he will always catch her.  She knows when he throws her in the air, he won't drop her.  She is the apple of her Daddy's eye and knows that won't change through her life.

Then comes a little girl and her Daddy God.  She'll see Him much as she does her earthly Daddy, be that for good or bad.  If she can never make her Daddy happy, she'll wonder if she can ever please God.  If her Daddy is overly authoritative, she will think God is also.  If her Daddy is an angry man, she'll view God as a black thundering cloud over her life, just waiting for her to mess up so he can zap her with a bolt of electricity.  If Daddy is wishy washy and sets no boundaries, her God will be wimpy also.  If her Daddy abuses her emotionally, physically, sexually, or spiritually, it will take a miracle for her to learn to trust God.  If a Daddy was never there (physically or emotionally), she will wonder if God is really there.

Even as an adult, girls need their Daddy.  She needs him to step back and let his little girl grow up.  She needs him to support her choice for a mate, and not try to interfere in that relationship.  And if that relationship goes bad, she needs him to be there to fall on, without a hint of "I told you so!"  She needs him to love her children unconditionally.  She still needs him in her life, but it is different now.  Now she needs to straighten out her own view of God and know that a Daddy is sometimes a very poor reflection of Him.  She needs to know that her Daddy is not perfect, but that he loves her and thinks she is the very best daughter a man could have.

A Daddy's first and most important job is to be a little girl's first picture of God.  Why give such a task to a fallible man?  Surely God knew that so many Daddies would fail, for lack of understanding the task in the first place?

I think He also knew that having a little girl would drop many a strong man to his knees, praying that he would be a good dad to her.


    "If Daddy is wishy washy and sets no boundaries, her God will be wimpy also." Oh my goodness!! You just opened my eyes so much with this statement. I explains alot in my life.

    This also made me sad for my youngest daughter, whose father is a deadbeat dad, who has never been around.

  2. Fantastic post Donna - totally true!

    A father's role is so important, in both a daughter's and a son's life! I think moreso than the mother's, to be honest.

  3. It is so painful when we realize that Daddy is just not all that he can and should be. My dad has always been in my life, but never in a full and positive way he should have been. Last week, he once again wrote Brian and I out of his life and swore and said hateful things to me on the phone and in person. There's something about your dad doing and saying those things that just...kills me inside, even as an adult. Daddies aren't supposed to hurt little girls. Or big girls. I'm sorry that any girl or woman has to know that kind of pain, and it is soooooo common. Satan must be smiling. :*(
