Sunday, August 31, 2014

Reflections on Bible camp...

We just got back home from a week at Bible camp.  This is the second year we've gone, though the kids have gone to daycamp for 10 years now (well, Noah has...).  Some randomish thoughts on our time away...
  • Sticks.  Literally as soon as we got out of the van, Levi had a stick in his hand.  Sticks are amazing.  God was thinking of little boys when He made them, that's for sure.  Sticks are multi-purpose tools, you know.  They can instantly transform between sword, gun, walking stick, golf club, shovel, and on and on it goes.  Levi was not alone in his stick-love, as we were constantly having to take them away from the day camp kids so that no one got accidentally clobbered.
  • Dirt.  Lots of dirt.  I'm not sure if I should admit this, but none of my little kids had a shower or bath the entire week.  We did swim in the lake one day, and another day, the slip and slide involved dishsoap.  Filthy, happy little piglets, I And who cares?  After all, pretty much everyone there was just as filthy...
  • Hills.  Holy hills, batman.  If you stuck by the camper and the main building like Brian, then you were safe.  I volunteered to help with the 1st and 2nd graders, though, and I do not want to talk about the hills.  So I won't.  Oy.  This is the reason we only went down to the lake once...because I almost died coming back up the hill.
  • Falls.  Well, this involves the hills we didn't want to discuss anymore.  Roots and stones all over the hilly trails.  The swelling in my knee is finally going down from my fall.  I'm just glad I could get back up and I didn't break anything while taking 5 little girls to the bathroom.  Esther also had a crash on her bike (this is why I insist on helmets!!!).  I was picking mulch out of her teeth and gums for a while and she got a nice crash rash on her cheek and chin.  But...nothing broken and no stitches needed, was still a good day at camp. :)
  • Worship.  Worship with the kids during the day...worship in the services every night.  God is so good.  Really really good, blessing us with everything we need...  
  • Bible memory.  As the helper for 1st/2nd grade, one of the main things I did was to help the kids memorize the verse of the day.  I love to make up motions to help the kids learn the verse and the  bonus for me is that after saying each verse 9,394 times...I have also hidden them in my heart!
  • Missionary story.  At the pre-daycamp meeting, we discovered that though there was a "missionary story" time slot, no one had actually planned anything for the missionary story.  In a totally cool "God-incidence" (I don't believe in coincidences), I had packed one of my kids' favorite bedtime story books, Missionary Stories with the Millers.  I took over this section for the 1st/2nd grade, as well as choosing the stories for the other groups, and really, really enjoyed it!  I never thought I would be the primary person dealing with 25-30 kids...but it went well and I would be happy to do it again next year!
  • Friends.  New friends.  Old friends.  Wonderful, encouraging chats as we sat in the shade.  Good fact, one good friend had some very specific, encouraging comments I am holding onto and pondering.
  • Food.  One of the very most awesomest things at Bible camp...NO COOKING!!!!  There is a kitchen crew and all the rest of us have to do is show up.  Last year, I cooked/baked an equivalent GF dinner, but this year, I went ahead and ate what everyone was eating, adjusting it the best I could.  Levi ate what he could and had a sandwich on Ezekiel bread if he needed more.  Of course, we brought a ton of snacks, but still...did I cooking for Momma!  Amazing...
God is faithful.  The road ahead of us is largely unknown (by us, not by God!). Bible camp was fuel for the journey, and I am so thankful for that.  Wherever you send us, God, we will go!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Did you ever just look around you, look at all of the blessings in your life, and become overwhelmed by thankfulness for all God has given you?

No, life is not perfect.  Sometimes circumstances are downright rotten.  Circumstances are really not that important, though...always changing and rarely pivotal.  But the BLESSINGS!!!  Oh, the blessings...they far outnumber the hard things...

Thank you, God, for my family and my life.  You didn't have to give me anything, yet You continually pour out blessing into my life!  All I can ask is that You would let me be a blessing to others...that I could be your hands and feet in this world so full of need and pain.  Let me love as I have been loved, to bless as I have been blessed...

As a father has compassion on his children,
so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him; 

for he knows how we are formed,
he remembers that we are dust. 

As for man, his days are like grass,
he flourishes like a flower of the field; 

the wind blows over it and it is gone,
and its place remembers it no more. 

But from everlasting to everlasting
the LORD's love is with those who fear him,
and his righteousness with their children's children-- 

with those who keep his covenant and remember to obey his precepts. 

The LORD has established his throne in heaven,
and his kingdom rules over all. 
~Psalm 103:13-19~