Yes, I have started lesson planning for the fall. Just spent all of naptime doing it, actually.
I decided to change things up this year. For the past two years, we have used Bob Jones DVD program. Toward the end of the year last year, I could tell Noah was getting sick of the DVDs. This was okay with me since we really didn't have the money to go with that this year anyway. By the time you add in shipping and tax, it was $1,200! It was a good program, and we may still go back to it later, but for this year, we're doing some different things.
Bible...sticking with BJU materials. I like the flow of the curriculum, and the depth of the Scripture teaching and application. The only parts of this curriculum I don't care for are the studies of random and mostly not well known hymns and also the random prophet focus thrown into the middle of other areas of the Bible. Since I am the teacher, that's not a problem. I just don't have him do those pages. I absolutely LOVE how the curriculum encourages the habit of daily Bible reading. Every section starts off with a new tear-out page with a bunch of short passages to read and check off. Noah will get a prize for each page he completes. $19
Math...we are switching to Alpha Omega Lifepacs. They are very different from Bob Jones, but seem to be more advanced. I decided to start him in the middle of 4th grade to get used to the curriculum and some new terminology. I hope to have him get through all of 5th grade also. Math is Noah's best and favorite subject, so hopefully he will do well with them. If not, we can always go back to BJU. $60
English...this is the area of biggest change for us. This has been a difficult subject for Noah, and one that BJU has really not worked well for us. I found some workbooks on CBD that I hope will be better for him: Grammar Rules (5-6), Diagramming, and Words on the Vine (Vocabulary, 5-8). I have dropped spelling completely and will use the vocab book for both vocab and spelling. The grammar book includes a good amount of writing practice, and he will continue with his online journal. $30
Reading...big changes here also. Instead of using BJU readers and workbook, we are going to focus on reading a greater number of full books and writing simple book reports. I am anticipating conflict on the book report front, but we will get through it. Some of the books will be read together and some Noah will read and report on his own. I will try to save the independent ones for my busy times in school. I have about 15 books already picked out.
Science...switching to SOS (Alpha Omega's computer program). What I have looked at looks great, and is pretty easy for him to do independently. $75
Social Studies...also switching to SOS. Haven't looked much at this one yet. $75
Health...also SOS. He did some of this at the end of last year, and I was very pleased with the setup. It takes a little bit to learn how to assign the work, but once you get it, it flows easily. $45
Music and Art...we have never used an actual curriculum before, but I wanted more structure in these areas. I chose Christian Light Education for these. I'm having him start with the 3rd art book and the 1st music book. $20
PE...we will be attending swim and gym at the YMCA again. Last year was our first year at this, and I was amazed at how much progress both Noah and Hannah made! They have really been practicing their swimming this summer, so they'll be that much farther along. Noah is hoping to move up a group when they start up again. He's made a couple new friends there too. About $200 per kid per year.
Total spent/planned to spend... about $600 for Noah, including reading books that will remain in our library. All of his English books are also reproducible, so I'll have those for the other kids later on. I spent about $500 on Hannah also, which might seem like a lot, but I'll have Levi and Esther use the same material for K5 and will only need new workbooks.
Thankfully, the superintendent of our school district has graciously given us permission to homeschool. Snort. I'm not sure he is aware, but we don't NEED his permission. We have to notify him and turn in the proper paper work, by law, but nowhere does the law say or imply he has permission to give or restrict permission. Ah long as he doesn't give me grief, I'll leave it alone. ;)
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