Friday, July 16, 2010

We made it to Friday!

I had three goals this week...
  1. Drastically limit TV.
  2. Set and keep a (loose) schedule.
  3. Do something fun, and hopefully away from home, every day.
TV...we could do better, but there's been improvement.  This is a difficult goal because TV is one of the few things that will chill Levi out, and for that reason, I have gotten too used to using it to save my sanity.  Being outside and running around is much better for him in the long run and allows him to get his energy out without destroying my house.  That's where the schedule comes in...

Schedule...I've done pretty well with this.  TV until 9, breakfast and dressed by 9:30, and then OUTSIDE until lunch.  After lunch, Esther goes down for a nap, Levi watches a movie in my bed (and usually falls asleep too), I do schoolwork with Hannah, Noah and Nick read for an hour and then play quietly after that.  Then more outside time until dinner.  We've been eating dinner late, so by the time we're done, they watch a smidge of TV, and then it's time to get ready for bed.  Bed by 9 is our goal.  Sometimes we make it, sometimes we don't.  Esther usually makes it by then.

Fun!...Monday, we went swimming, kayaking, and paddleboating at Shiloh.  Tuesday, we saw a movie in Chandler's barn.  Wednesday, we went to the free movie at the Hamilton Movie Theater...Tooth Fairy.  Thursday, we went swimming at Valloo's (Brian's sister).  Tonight is family movie night...Spy Kids 3!  Our little friend Kaden is here all day too.  Oh, I forgot to add...right before we do the big fun thing for the day, I have the kids do a blitz cleaning.  They're very motivated to get it done then, which cuts my frustration with the process way down.  Smart Mommy, I know...

We're going to keep to these goals for a while and see how much sanity they help me keep.


  1. Sounds like a great idea, Donna!

  2. Isn't it wonderful when you know that you've at least TRIED to make your goals for the week! I love how you've got the kids outside so much, that's rare these days. And what a GREAT idea to have them clean right before the "big thing". I wish I would have thought of that when mine were younger. Now my primary motivation is there allowance.
