5:57 am...Mom wakes up to a far away voice crying repeatedly, "I want my Momma." Upon searching the livingroom and not finding Levi, Mom notices Levi outside in the driveway, with his pullup around his ankles, peeing all over himself and crying for Momma.
6:10 am...Levi finally calms down and gets in bed with mom and dad. He claims to remember going outside, but I think maybe he was sleepwalking. The front door was LOCKED way up high too...scary.
7:00 am...cousin Paislee arrives for the day. No more sleep for Mr. Levi. This is not a good thing. He usually sleeps in until 9 or 10.
All through the day...
No, Levi.
Get down, Levi.
Do you want a spanking, Levi?
What did Momma say, Levi?
Levi, get out of the fridge.
Levi, we can't throw things at sister's head. Flying guitars HURT.
Rinse and repeat about twenty times.
8:00 pm...passed out on the couch. Gathering more energy for tomorrow, I'm sure...
I better get to bed soon or I'll never keep up with him. Oh wait...he'll be at Valoo's tomorrow while Brian and I go for his preop appointment. Think I should warn her? Naaaaah...but I will bring her a Diet Pepsi and some chocolate. LOL
LOL So well written. Thanks for sharing!