Saturday, August 14, 2010

Tick tock...

Our schedule is about to explode!  Gone will be the days of summer, as we welcome in football season for Nick, soccer for Noah and Hannah, back to school for me next week, Noah the week after, and Nick the week after that!

As the second summer since Brian's accident passes, I find myself asking God just what we are supposed to be learning right now.  I have a feeling we are missing something, but I know that this is one question that He will always answer when we ask.  I plan to keep asking until He does.

Some things I know we have learned...
Every day is to be treasured and made the most of.
You can always find something to laugh about...ALWAYS.
God smiles on us continually as we wait on Him, but we have to be looking for His smiles.
God is our Rock, our Sure Foundation.  All of our hope is in HIM.
God's will is usually beyond our understanding.  That's why it's GOD's will.
We can shake our fists at God, or we can humbly put our hand in His and walk where He leads us.  We can't do both.
Most of life is spent waiting for the next big thing.  We need to make sure we don't miss out on today, being so caught up in tomorrow.

Even hurts here lately.  It hurts quite a bit.  Lord, in our brokenness, bring Your wholeness and peace...