Yes, I have started lesson planning for the fall. Just spent all of naptime doing it, actually.
I decided to change things up this year. For the past two years, we have used Bob Jones DVD program. Toward the end of the year last year, I could tell Noah was getting sick of the DVDs. This was okay with me since we really didn't have the money to go with that this year anyway. By the time you add in shipping and tax, it was $1,200! It was a good program, and we may still go back to it later, but for this year, we're doing some different things.
Bible...sticking with BJU materials. I like the flow of the curriculum, and the depth of the Scripture teaching and application. The only parts of this curriculum I don't care for are the studies of random and mostly not well known hymns and also the random prophet focus thrown into the middle of other areas of the Bible. Since I am the teacher, that's not a problem. I just don't have him do those pages. I absolutely LOVE how the curriculum encourages the habit of daily Bible reading. Every section starts off with a new tear-out page with a bunch of short passages to read and check off. Noah will get a prize for each page he completes. $19
Math...we are switching to Alpha Omega Lifepacs. They are very different from Bob Jones, but seem to be more advanced. I decided to start him in the middle of 4th grade to get used to the curriculum and some new terminology. I hope to have him get through all of 5th grade also. Math is Noah's best and favorite subject, so hopefully he will do well with them. If not, we can always go back to BJU. $60
English...this is the area of biggest change for us. This has been a difficult subject for Noah, and one that BJU has really not worked well for us. I found some workbooks on CBD that I hope will be better for him: Grammar Rules (5-6), Diagramming, and Words on the Vine (Vocabulary, 5-8). I have dropped spelling completely and will use the vocab book for both vocab and spelling. The grammar book includes a good amount of writing practice, and he will continue with his online journal. $30
Reading...big changes here also. Instead of using BJU readers and workbook, we are going to focus on reading a greater number of full books and writing simple book reports. I am anticipating conflict on the book report front, but we will get through it. Some of the books will be read together and some Noah will read and report on his own. I will try to save the independent ones for my busy times in school. I have about 15 books already picked out.
Science...switching to SOS (Alpha Omega's computer program). What I have looked at looks great, and is pretty easy for him to do independently. $75
Social Studies...also switching to SOS. Haven't looked much at this one yet. $75
Health...also SOS. He did some of this at the end of last year, and I was very pleased with the setup. It takes a little bit to learn how to assign the work, but once you get it, it flows easily. $45
Music and Art...we have never used an actual curriculum before, but I wanted more structure in these areas. I chose Christian Light Education for these. I'm having him start with the 3rd art book and the 1st music book. $20
PE...we will be attending swim and gym at the YMCA again. Last year was our first year at this, and I was amazed at how much progress both Noah and Hannah made! They have really been practicing their swimming this summer, so they'll be that much farther along. Noah is hoping to move up a group when they start up again. He's made a couple new friends there too. About $200 per kid per year.
Total spent/planned to spend... about $600 for Noah, including reading books that will remain in our library. All of his English books are also reproducible, so I'll have those for the other kids later on. I spent about $500 on Hannah also, which might seem like a lot, but I'll have Levi and Esther use the same material for K5 and will only need new workbooks.
Thankfully, the superintendent of our school district has graciously given us permission to homeschool. Snort. I'm not sure he is aware, but we don't NEED his permission. We have to notify him and turn in the proper paper work, by law, but nowhere does the law say or imply he has permission to give or restrict permission. Ah long as he doesn't give me grief, I'll leave it alone. ;)
Following the King of Kings wherever He takes us. Living life...simple and free!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
...and two years later...
Good days are redefined.
Today was a good day. I got to go on a date with my honey. Yes, as many of our "dates", a visit to a hospital/doctor was involved. But hey, it's an excuse to go to Syracuse, and the penny pincher that I am, I like to do more than one thing in a trip.
Today, we window shopped at Home Depot. Not for windows...but for paint and laminate hardwood flooring. Lots of fun, lots of laughter.
We went to lunch at CiCi's Pizza. AWESOME place. We'll have to take the kids there...they'll love it.
Did some Rite Aid shopping while we were out...Kaidi, you win for the receipt length. Mine was only 44 inches. I did get $85 worth of stuff for around $20 though. The cashier was in shock. :D
Brian's late birthday present came in the mail today...Ticket to Ride, a game Megan in PA taught us. Noah played with us after the little kids went to bed.
Very fun day.
Much more fun than this day two years ago.
But you know...we have to take the bad along with the good. And there is a lot of good in life.
Today was a good day. I got to go on a date with my honey. Yes, as many of our "dates", a visit to a hospital/doctor was involved. But hey, it's an excuse to go to Syracuse, and the penny pincher that I am, I like to do more than one thing in a trip.
Today, we window shopped at Home Depot. Not for windows...but for paint and laminate hardwood flooring. Lots of fun, lots of laughter.
We went to lunch at CiCi's Pizza. AWESOME place. We'll have to take the kids there...they'll love it.
Did some Rite Aid shopping while we were out...Kaidi, you win for the receipt length. Mine was only 44 inches. I did get $85 worth of stuff for around $20 though. The cashier was in shock. :D
Brian's late birthday present came in the mail today...Ticket to Ride, a game Megan in PA taught us. Noah played with us after the little kids went to bed.
Very fun day.
Much more fun than this day two years ago.
But you know...we have to take the bad along with the good. And there is a lot of good in life.
Two years ago...
Brian's body was broken and smashed by a big stupid green tractor which was driven down the wrong side of the road.
I went looking for my MIA husband, and found a terrible accident scene. I'm not sure those images will ever leave me. When I think about it, I can see it all so clearly, and me running holding my big pregnant belly.
Hearing his screams, and being told I could not ride with him in the ambulance. Driving back to the church alone, knowing that if I could just get back there, someone would take me to Syracuse so I could be with Brian.
The crazy ride with Tammy and Maria. Their oh so normal and soothing conversation while I prayed over and over...please, God, no internal injuries and no head injury.
The ER nurse handed me a brown bag of bloody, cut up clothes, covered in tiny cubes of auto glass. I fished his wallet out of the mess and washed the blood off it in the ER bathroom.
Staying with Brian as much as they would allow, constantly asking for more pain meds for him. It was 9 hours between the accident and when they brought him into surgery. Nine hours of bones sticking out of his skin, moaning in pain with no real relief. He doesn't remember it, but I sure do.
Brian going into the OR, and Jenny staying with me until he got out around 1 am even though there was VBS first thing in the morning. Six hours in surgery, putting Humpty Dumpty back together.
Finally laying down to sleep on the OR waiting room floor, where the contractions I had had all day intensified. I told my unborn baby that now was really not a good time and to please stay inside. And she did.
God touches that day...
Brian being alone in that car.
Brian living through the impact.
No internal or brain injuries.
The stranger that climbed in the car with Brian and stayed with him while the volunteer fire department freed him from the car.
The blanket of peace that fell over me and stayed there for a long time. Maybe it was shock...but it was what I needed at that time, so I could do what needed doing.
Friends and family who instantly filled in the gaps where ever they appeared.
It's been a long two years. God is faithful. God is good. Always.
Even when bones don't heal.
Even when a strong man sobs with pain.
Even when there is pain every day.
Even when there is no speedy justice.
Even when we hurt.
Always. Always God is good and faithful.
To Him be the glory...
I went looking for my MIA husband, and found a terrible accident scene. I'm not sure those images will ever leave me. When I think about it, I can see it all so clearly, and me running holding my big pregnant belly.
Hearing his screams, and being told I could not ride with him in the ambulance. Driving back to the church alone, knowing that if I could just get back there, someone would take me to Syracuse so I could be with Brian.
The crazy ride with Tammy and Maria. Their oh so normal and soothing conversation while I prayed over and over...please, God, no internal injuries and no head injury.
The ER nurse handed me a brown bag of bloody, cut up clothes, covered in tiny cubes of auto glass. I fished his wallet out of the mess and washed the blood off it in the ER bathroom.
Staying with Brian as much as they would allow, constantly asking for more pain meds for him. It was 9 hours between the accident and when they brought him into surgery. Nine hours of bones sticking out of his skin, moaning in pain with no real relief. He doesn't remember it, but I sure do.
Brian going into the OR, and Jenny staying with me until he got out around 1 am even though there was VBS first thing in the morning. Six hours in surgery, putting Humpty Dumpty back together.
Finally laying down to sleep on the OR waiting room floor, where the contractions I had had all day intensified. I told my unborn baby that now was really not a good time and to please stay inside. And she did.
God touches that day...
Brian being alone in that car.
Brian living through the impact.
No internal or brain injuries.
The stranger that climbed in the car with Brian and stayed with him while the volunteer fire department freed him from the car.
The blanket of peace that fell over me and stayed there for a long time. Maybe it was shock...but it was what I needed at that time, so I could do what needed doing.
Friends and family who instantly filled in the gaps where ever they appeared.
It's been a long two years. God is faithful. God is good. Always.
Even when bones don't heal.
Even when a strong man sobs with pain.
Even when there is pain every day.
Even when there is no speedy justice.
Even when we hurt.
Always. Always God is good and faithful.
To Him be the glory...
Monday, July 19, 2010
A day in the life of Levi...
5:57 am...Mom wakes up to a far away voice crying repeatedly, "I want my Momma." Upon searching the livingroom and not finding Levi, Mom notices Levi outside in the driveway, with his pullup around his ankles, peeing all over himself and crying for Momma.
6:10 am...Levi finally calms down and gets in bed with mom and dad. He claims to remember going outside, but I think maybe he was sleepwalking. The front door was LOCKED way up high too...scary.
7:00 am...cousin Paislee arrives for the day. No more sleep for Mr. Levi. This is not a good thing. He usually sleeps in until 9 or 10.
All through the day...
No, Levi.
Get down, Levi.
Do you want a spanking, Levi?
What did Momma say, Levi?
Levi, get out of the fridge.
Levi, we can't throw things at sister's head. Flying guitars HURT.
Rinse and repeat about twenty times.
8:00 pm...passed out on the couch. Gathering more energy for tomorrow, I'm sure...
I better get to bed soon or I'll never keep up with him. Oh wait...he'll be at Valoo's tomorrow while Brian and I go for his preop appointment. Think I should warn her? Naaaaah...but I will bring her a Diet Pepsi and some chocolate. LOL
6:10 am...Levi finally calms down and gets in bed with mom and dad. He claims to remember going outside, but I think maybe he was sleepwalking. The front door was LOCKED way up high too...scary.
7:00 am...cousin Paislee arrives for the day. No more sleep for Mr. Levi. This is not a good thing. He usually sleeps in until 9 or 10.
All through the day...
No, Levi.
Get down, Levi.
Do you want a spanking, Levi?
What did Momma say, Levi?
Levi, get out of the fridge.
Levi, we can't throw things at sister's head. Flying guitars HURT.
Rinse and repeat about twenty times.
8:00 pm...passed out on the couch. Gathering more energy for tomorrow, I'm sure...
I better get to bed soon or I'll never keep up with him. Oh wait...he'll be at Valoo's tomorrow while Brian and I go for his preop appointment. Think I should warn her? Naaaaah...but I will bring her a Diet Pepsi and some chocolate. LOL
Friday, July 16, 2010
We made it to Friday!
I had three goals this week...
Schedule...I've done pretty well with this. TV until 9, breakfast and dressed by 9:30, and then OUTSIDE until lunch. After lunch, Esther goes down for a nap, Levi watches a movie in my bed (and usually falls asleep too), I do schoolwork with Hannah, Noah and Nick read for an hour and then play quietly after that. Then more outside time until dinner. We've been eating dinner late, so by the time we're done, they watch a smidge of TV, and then it's time to get ready for bed. Bed by 9 is our goal. Sometimes we make it, sometimes we don't. Esther usually makes it by then.
Fun!...Monday, we went swimming, kayaking, and paddleboating at Shiloh. Tuesday, we saw a movie in Chandler's barn. Wednesday, we went to the free movie at the Hamilton Movie Theater...Tooth Fairy. Thursday, we went swimming at Valloo's (Brian's sister). Tonight is family movie night...Spy Kids 3! Our little friend Kaden is here all day too. Oh, I forgot to add...right before we do the big fun thing for the day, I have the kids do a blitz cleaning. They're very motivated to get it done then, which cuts my frustration with the process way down. Smart Mommy, I know...
We're going to keep to these goals for a while and see how much sanity they help me keep.
- Drastically limit TV.
- Set and keep a (loose) schedule.
- Do something fun, and hopefully away from home, every day.
Schedule...I've done pretty well with this. TV until 9, breakfast and dressed by 9:30, and then OUTSIDE until lunch. After lunch, Esther goes down for a nap, Levi watches a movie in my bed (and usually falls asleep too), I do schoolwork with Hannah, Noah and Nick read for an hour and then play quietly after that. Then more outside time until dinner. We've been eating dinner late, so by the time we're done, they watch a smidge of TV, and then it's time to get ready for bed. Bed by 9 is our goal. Sometimes we make it, sometimes we don't. Esther usually makes it by then.
Fun!...Monday, we went swimming, kayaking, and paddleboating at Shiloh. Tuesday, we saw a movie in Chandler's barn. Wednesday, we went to the free movie at the Hamilton Movie Theater...Tooth Fairy. Thursday, we went swimming at Valloo's (Brian's sister). Tonight is family movie night...Spy Kids 3! Our little friend Kaden is here all day too. Oh, I forgot to add...right before we do the big fun thing for the day, I have the kids do a blitz cleaning. They're very motivated to get it done then, which cuts my frustration with the process way down. Smart Mommy, I know...
We're going to keep to these goals for a while and see how much sanity they help me keep.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
The crazy seven
A quick intro to our family, from the bottom to the top...
Esther, sweet Esther. She is our 22 month old ray of sunshine. Precious, cherished princess sent to our family for such a time as this. The baby of our clan, well-loved and probably well-spoiled. She is the quietest any of mine have been, but likely to be right in the middle of whatever mess or trouble has developed. I love my crazy baby!
Levi, energetic Levi. Full to the brim with energy, this little guy was sent to test my patience, I am sure. His current refusal to poo in the potty aside, he brings much joy and laughter to our home. It's anyone's guess what he will come out with next, and his mischevious grin charms us all no matter what his latest disaster involves.
Hannah, inquisitive Hannah. Questions are always brewing in this little mind, from the tiniest blade of grass all the way to Heaven above. She asks, and we do our best to answer. Hannah is our fun-loving, beautiful princess. She's as likely to be playing in mud or climbing a tree as she is to be playing dress up and having a tea party. A very social creature already, she lives for sleepovers and playdates, at the ripe old age of 5. I love my crazy beautiful!
Nicolas, playful Nicolas...aka Nick. Most likely to be seen digging a hole to China or on the tippy top of our climbing tree. Nick is all boy and all fun. He has a special place in my heart because he did not grow in my womb, but in my heart. With an indominable spirit and an unfailing imagination, I look eagerly to what God has planned for our Nick. I love my crazy dreamer!
Noah, serious Noah. He carries the traits and mind of someone twice his age. Daddy's garage assistant, he loves all things mechanical and is a sponge as he learns "man things". Noah likes to collect magazines and catalogs for all kinds of equipment and boy stuff. He is our guinea pig, our firstborn. While we have made a ton of mistakes on him, we have also had some great successes, one being successfully homeschooling for 5 years now (minus a short stint in Christian school). I love my crazy big boy!
Brian, my love, goes next, since I'm a whopping 5 months older than him. My fantasticly awesome, way cute husband of 11 years. We've been through the wringer in more ways than one in those years, but by the grace of God, we remain together and stronger for the struggle. Physically disabled in a car accident in July 2008, yet not one to let his disabilities define him. He has a huge heart for people in the body of Christ. He will be the first to offer to meet a need if he can, and if he can't, he's likely to try to find someone who can. He's the king of this castle, and I love him dearly.
Now for myself...what to say? I am in my third decade of life, and enjoying almost every minute. I am a daughter of the King of Kings, His princess. I didn't always know that, and I don't always live it out, but it is the truth I always return to. I am currently homeschooling Noah and Hannah (Nick goes to public school from his mom's house), and also going to school myself. I am working toward an associate's degree in accounting, hoping to be able to work mostly from home when I am done. I adore my family, and also know that I need time for me in order to be able to pour out to them. School is that outlet for me right now, and I could not do it without my fan club at home. I'm so very thankful for all of them.
That's my crazy life, and I wouldn't have it any other way...
New blog
I tried to find my blog on crosswalk today, to no avail. It must have been over a year since I posted in it and it has been purged. I am saddened that I have not blogged for that long, and also that all of my entries are lost forever.
So, it's time for a new blog. This will be a mishmash of to day happenings in my crazy household, accounting of the special days, and insights of all kinds, some serious and some anything but.
Welcome, and please comment liberally! Feedback delights me.
So, it's time for a new blog. This will be a mishmash of to day happenings in my crazy household, accounting of the special days, and insights of all kinds, some serious and some anything but.
Welcome, and please comment liberally! Feedback delights me.
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