Saturday, April 7, 2012

Sackcloth Saturday

Maundy Thursday...Jesus' last meal with the disciples.

Good Friday...the day Jesus gave every last ounce of life for you and I.  He didn't just die.  He suffered.  He didn't just suffer.  He suffered on MY behalf.  On your behalf.  He suffered for nothing he did and took everything we deserved upon himself.

And then there's Resurrection Sunday...when the power of God, Who is Love, defeated the grave.  This gives us hope for the future, knowing that by the same Christ, we also will defeat the grave.

But what about Saturday?  No one talks about Saturday.  Saturday must have been a day of absolute confusion and despair.  Let's call it Sad Saturday, knowing that "sad" doesn't even come close to the emotions of that day.  Or, maybe closer...Sackcloth Saturday.  Despair, without hope.  The end.  Even Jesus had said, "It is finished," hadn't He?

Except, it wasn't over.  The disciples didn't know Resurrection Sunday was on the way.  The women who adored Jesus didn't understand what was about to happen.

Sometimes...the dark is deepest right before the dawn.  That's why we must HOLD ON through the 'sackcloth Saturdays' in our lives.  Sunday IS. on. the. way.

1 comment:

  1. WOW

    I will be sending this, with a note to my sweetie saying "THIS is why I read blogs!"

    What wonderful words of faith and hope.

