Thursday, July 21, 2011

"Don't get your hopes up"

Twice in a week, I have been told this..."don't get your hopes up".  This is in regard to Brian looking for a trucking job.  Both people have (thankfully) been just acquaintances, not good friends or anything.

But don't get your hopes up?  Seriously?  We've done pretty well with that on our own the past few years.  Knowing everytime we went to a doctor, it was probably not going to be good news.  Knowing that we had more surgeries to come.  Not seeing a lot of improvement, and any we did see being painfully slow.

To the man who said this tonight, I wish I had put my head up, looked you in the eye, and said, "Don't get our hopes up??  Do you know my husband?  The man will do what he sets out to do.  And I will be cheering him on the whole way.  Don't get my hopes up?  Mumble, mumble, mumble...why don't you go suck on a lemon?"

And if I don't get my hopes up...what then?  Do I just hope we get to live on foodstamps the rest of our lives?  What about when SSDI stops coming 10 days?  Just suck it up, live with it.  Live in defeat?  We will not.  I will not.

My hope comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.  I will lift my eyes to HIM alone.  Now get thee behind me, satan.  You won't have this man, and you won't have this family.