Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Just another day

Hard plastic toys hurtling through the air, connecting with a sibling or a wall.

Spreading little papers all over the living room and refusing to pick them up.

When made to pick up, shredding the papers and shoving them into his mouth.

Screaming.  Crying.  No, wailing.

Hiding and pooping in his pants.

Pinching, hitting, pushing, throwing.

Refusing to eat anything but carbs.  Throwing his food on the floor.

Attacking baby sister as if he hates her, when I know he doesn't!

Just another day for Levi.  We have had three in a row like that, actually.  I am exhausted and don't know how to help him.  There must be a way...


  1. Donna, has anyone suggested removing gluten?

    There's some science to support the things we crave are actually bad for us. If he craves carbs, they could be harming him and causing some of the problem.

    Just a thought.

  2. Brandy, it has been suggested and tried for a week. I know it *may* help to do it longer, but I saw NO difference in a week, and gluten-free is torture for us all. It is pretty common for SPD kids to refuse to eat or only eat very limited things. And we have established that too much sugar and pretty much any food dye will have him bouncing around destroying the world. If he has candy, it should be chocolate, and then only a little.

  3. Are you able to talk to his therapists to see what can be done at home? Just know that you are a good momma and this is not anything that you did. Love you!
