Tuesday, November 11, 2014

What's in your heart to do?

 For those not in the know...here's a severely shortened and condensed list of what has happened in our lives over the past three months:

  • A 6 year long legal process was finally completed.  It ended well.  God is faithful...and we are thankful!
  • We bought a house!  Twenty-two days from first offer to closing...yes, whirlwind is an appropriate term.  This house also happens to be right across a driveway from my sister's house. <3 li="">
  • We're moving!  Exciting and terrifying...both of my houses are currently in a state of chaos.  We are blessed and even looking forward to the many hours of working hard to make the house our own.  We plan to be sleeping there by the end of next week (eek! and squee!), amid the construction mess.
Update out of the way, I wanted to share a conversation Esther and I had...and the subsequent conversation God and I had.

We have known for a while that this time of great change was coming, but we didn't know then what direction we would be going.  We had a lot of good options in front of us and no clue which way to go.  One evening, as I washed dishes, my sweet girl approached me, wanting to know what she should write about in her notebook.  I told her she should write about anything that makes her happy, and that was a little scary for her, as she wanted me to tell her what to write about and not have to come up with it on her own.  I told her that writing was always a good thing, and whatever she wrote would be wonderful, if she did it from a pure, loving heart.  She eventually chose to write about the puppies (11!!) we were raising at that time.  As she walked away, God began to speak to my own heart...

We all have a lot of options in life, every single day.  Sometimes the sheer number of options is overwhelming, and we don't know which way to go.  I have often wished God would just get out His heavenly megaphone and tell me which direction to go!  Which car should we buy?  Which job should we take?  Where should we live?  What should we do?!  We want to please God, just as my little girl wanted to please me, and we think we need more specific direction in order to do that.  Wouldn't it make life simpler if every time we asked God a question, He just gave us a straight, clear answer?

But what if...what if God knows our hearts long to follow Him?  What if, though He surely knows the ultimate outcome, He wants us to take a leap of faith without having those straight, clear directions?  What if He just wants us to write the story?  What if He knows it will be great, no matter which choice we make from a pure, loving heart?  What if we let go of the fear and just did what He put in our hearts to do?

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