Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Time4Learning Review

I'm 3 months late with this.  I've been just buried in my own schoolwork and very busy keeping the kids going with their schoolwork.

So, T4L...it's great!  All of the kids did like it and they learned quite a bit without knowing they were really learning.  I took a few days and made them 'T4L school days' and the kids were thrilled not to have their regular work. 

However, it was hard for me to keep track of what they were learning.  I don't have time to go on after them and see what they've done and where they've been.  In this way, Always Icecream and Clever Dragons win hands down.  I get an email on each kid once a week (I believe you can set the frequency).  I peruse it quickly and then toss that email into an email folder and there the info sits if I ever need to get to it.  With 4 kids homeschooling, I don't have time to chase around and find out what they have done.  Having it automatically delivered is perfect for me.

As I figured, my boys did the best with T4L online format.  They are both very computer-minded and learn well in that way.  I would consider T4L for them in the future, but not as an every month ongoing subscription.  I think my kids need breaks from it in order for it to remain fun and exciting.

Bottom line...while I like it, T4L isn't for us every day.  Best use would be for fun, so I don't have to worry about what they have done or what they need my help with.  We have regular curricula for that.

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