Monday, October 29, 2012


Levi screamed his way through games at AWANA tonight.  The game was kickball and he was happy when he was kicking or running bases, but the outfield was just too unpredictable for him, I think.  You never know where the ball is going and he is still just a little guy, so the big kids kept getting the ball in "his" area.  We ended up skipping that part for most of the game, because sometimes it's just not worth it to try to force something he can't handle.

It was one of those times when I just feel like I have no idea how to help him.  BUT...the game leader and other leaders are wonderful.  I have told them that I view the whole thing as a kind of social therapy for him.  When I need help, they are happy to help and very good at loving on my Hannah-girl, who is in the same class and has to pretend I'm not there so I can deal with Levi.  They are also perfectly willing to just take my smile and nod as "I've got this" and keep doing what they are doing with the other kids.  I shadow him all through game time, give deep pressure while he sits on my lap during Bible time, and work with him one-on-one for his memory work. 

It's a hard 90 minutes, but when I leave there, I don't feel like he is too much trouble. I'm not crazy or imagining his issues, and we are accepted just as we are. 

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