The last time I went to the upstate NY homeschool conference, I didn't know I had two kiddos with special needs. I didn't have a broken husband either. A whole lot of "life" has happened since then.
This year, Brian, Noah, and I went. I wanted Noah's input on his curriculum, and the conference has a Teen Track, with workshops for the 12 and up crowd.
Some things I learned...
* There are a LOT of parents taking charge over their special need's kid's schooling!
* My "little" boy does pretty well in a crowd of people he doesn't know. I don't think he talked to his peers much, and there was no talk of emails or addresses exchanged. But he sat through each session, near the front, and even took notes so he could tell me what they were about later on! For a momma with a "tough kid"...this was all amazing. Very proud of my boy!
* My husband is not the man I married. This is a good thing. ;) He is amazing and his near constant high spirits humble me. He's always been one to agree with whatever I chose, but this time, when I asked for his input on what math curriculum to get and which literature packets to get...he gave me well thought out input! I went with his ideas there, of course!
* God sets up some really cool meetings. I met a lady with a son with very similar issues to Noah...same age, too! We picked out spelling curriculum together and exchanged email addresses. Brian met several people who had been in car accidents or who had knee replacements. Nearly everyone asked Brian what happened to him, since he was on crutches. What an encouragement so many people were to us, and what FAITH so many have! God is good...
* We need to go at least every other year, if not every year. It's not about finding curriculum, though that is why we went this year. It's about knowing that we're not alone. Realizing that there are others who have very real struggles, just like us. Being encouraged and convinced that each of us has the power, in Christ, to keep moving forward in whatever journey God has called us to.
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