Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Shutdown mode

Did you ever get into shutdown mode?  You have so  many things to do, and so much stress, that you don't even know where to begin.  So instead, you do nothing.  Or, if you're me, you play useless Facebook games or even blog for no real reason.

In my defense, I did write a 10 page paper for Business Statistics yesterday, which took pretty much all day.

I am so done with this semester, and I have been for a couple weeks now.  One more day of class, 5 finals, and then it will be done with me toooooo!

Yes, Business Org and Management...I hear you calling.  Yes, before I go to bed tonight, I will have written a beautiful 4 page paper for you, too.  Everyone wants a piece of me...

1 comment:

  1. I know what the shutdown mode is but you are so close... everybody around you is so proud of you (and in a way, they too want a piece of you - to boast about your accomplishments!). You are doing so well!!

    When I was in college, for me December was the hardest time to concentrate and it seemed downright illegal to have to worry about tests and papers when Christmas is everywhere!
