As each year comes to an end, I tend to think back through the year and re-analyze everything I've already overanalyzed to death. This year is no different. And so...a recap of 2011...
Best moments...
5. A most awesome spur of the moment road trip...Richmond, Atlanta, Nashville, SometowninthemoutnainsofWVirginia, Pittsburgh, RuralmidPA. It was on this trip that I realized my kids are really good travelers! I hope to have many more adventures with them.
4. On the above mentioned trip, getting to meet several friends I have known for years online. They were all that I pictured and more! My kids now have friends all over the country, and they talk about them near daily.
3. Earning my AS in Accounting. With a 3.98 GPA. I'm not done yet, but I officially feel like I have accomplished something. Hopefully this high will carry me through the next two years, as I work toward my BS, also in accounting.
2. Brian went back to work! Three years and twelve days after being run over by a John Deere tractor, my amazing husband went back to work. As a truck driver, no less... Definitely a high point of this year!
1. Realizing that no matter problem comes into our life or what obstacle God allows to be placed in our path...He has good plans for us. He is faithful.
Worst moments...
5. Lies and liars.
4. Family court. January, April, and July. A complete crock. Pinnacle of injustice. Refer back to #5.
3. Losing Nick.
2. Losing my son, Nick.
1. Definitely losing Nick. My son.
Somehow, by the sheer grace of God, we have carried on. This is the hardest thing we have ever faced as a family. Worse than Brian's accident, even, though I believe this is all tied together with his accident. By that, I mean...I don't think we would have started on this journey of losing Nick if the accident had not happened. But it did. And here we are. As hard as it is to close this chapter of our life and leave one of my babies behind, I do look forward to being done with this year and moving onto the next.
In 2012, I hope...
5. To start a new life with my husband and 4 kids. Nick will always be a part of us. But it is time for this family, what is left of us, to get a fresh start.
4. To finish the civil court crap for Brian's accident. I never thought it would take this long, but word is...we're getting there.
3. To gain new vision for our family. To dream new dreams, hope new hopes, and pray new prayers.
2. To bring all of the kids back home for the next school year. This will be a big part of building our family in unity this year, I think.
1. To move. Away from here. Again, a big part of building our family unity. I have no doubt this will be difficult, but it will be an adventure, too. There's no one else I'd rather be on this life-adventure with than my Brian and our children.