Thursday, February 10, 2011

Four years (and a day)

A day late and a dollar short...Levi's 4th birthday was yesterday!

It was such a busy day! He went to school, and brought his favorite snack (cinnamon bagels with cream cheese!) to share with friends. I had school on both campuses and then rushed home to make the birthday dinner he requested...more bagels. I tried to convince him that he really wanted bagel SANDWICHES like everyone else, but that ended up with egg, sausage, and cheese on the floor and only the bagel in his belly. I should have just listened to him. Ha.  He requested chocolate chip cookies for dessert, and we were all happy to help him eat them!

Yes, I know it's sideways.  Turn your head.

Achievements for the year...we finally ditched the diapers/pullups! We learned that you have sensory processing disorder, and maybe some other alphabet soup diagnosis...but none of that changes who you are to us and in our family. We have learned that different is not bad...just different!

What I love about you...
  • You make me laugh.  Every. Single. Day.  You are the funniest kid ever!
  • Crash hugs!  Just warn me first...
  • Your strong emotions.  There is never a doubt where anyone stands with you!
  • Your amazing acrobatic abilities.
  • Your awesomely awesomeness!
  • You are mine.
I'm so glad I get to be your mom, Levi!  Four is going to be a wonderful year, I just know it!


  1. Such a sweet post. And I loved your attitude about your sideways photos =P

  2. I love that boy...and I know you do too. He really is a hysterical kid. I love that he can make you laugh even when he has been naughty. P.S. I already had my head turned to see the picture before I read the blurb...:) Love, love, love you!

  3. Ah, Levi. Right from birth you had us fooled, thinking you were a girl and instead revealing your maleness...all 10 lbs 2 3/4 ozs of it! Just when you exasperate us the most you do something so cute and lovable that we have to laugh. I love who you are and who God made you to be. Life is never boring when you are around!
