You are something different to everyone in this family...
To Noah, you are his very first sibling. The one who taught him to share. The one who would snuggle you on a cold night. The fearless brother who helped him break through his own natural cautiousness from time to time. Both the guinea pigs of parents who had no clue what they were doing. You were usually opposites, but still, so much love between you both...and so much history...
To Hannah, you are the kindred spirit. The one who would scoop up a snake or a cool bug that everyone else would walk by and not even notice. The one who'd smack his own self just to make her laugh. The dreamer, the brother full of imagination and always ready to play. So much the two of you have in common...
To Levi, you are the wild and crazy big brother. The one who would climb trees and jump bikes. The one who acts first and thinks later. The one who loves big, without boundaries. So much the two of you have in common...
To Esther, you are the big brother who could always make her giggle. The one who always had a sweet smile for "the baby". You share a love for people and animals. A little bit shy, a whole lot of much the two of you have in common...
To Dad, you are all boy. Boy who embraced dirt and adventure, skinned knees and spunk. No fear, a boy who loves to live loudly. You're the kid who taught him how important it is to be a Dad.
To me...oh, I'm not even sure I can put it into words. You were the baby who didn't ask for hard times or two houses. The child who ripped my heart open and then climbed right in to stay. The toddler who called me Mommy the very first time we met. The boy who brought me the world's biggest dandelions and told me 'Happy Mother's Day!' a week early so I would know I was important in his life. The sweet boy who loved me completely and accepted me fully into your life. The boy who had room in his heart for two moms and two dads. You are the boy who taught me that love is a sacrifice worth giving, that even when it hurts and you're far away, I can't love you with anything less than all of me.
You're 15 today. 3x5! You are loved by us all and you always will be. We'll never make up the lost time, but we pray you are healthy and strong through these days and hope for being reunited as you grow into adulthood in just a few short years. We love you, always and forever, and I hope you know this every single day.
Happy birthday, Nicolas!